
Get Veneers in Las Vegas

Veneers make your smile the first thing that people notice and at High End Dental in Las Vegas, we take pride in your smile. In addition to our orthodontic procedures, you can get the look of clean, straight, white teeth with composite or porcelain veneers. We look forward to showing you how great the face in the mirror can look with this popular cosmetic dentistry procedure.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain dental veneers are thin layers of tailor-made ceramic fixed to the front surface of your teeth. This solution looks identical to your natural dental enamel. So, many of those little things you hate about your smile and wish would just go away can be immediately improved by the look of custom veneers.

How Can Veneers Help Me?

You probably have specific reasons for looking into dental veneers. From minor cosmetic complaints to structural issues, you want to fix the look of your teeth, and you want it done fast. This treatment can make a big, noticeable difference if you have one or more of many of the most popular dental complaints.

●     Gaps Between Teeth / Gapped Teeth

●     Uneven Teeth Or Minor Tooth Misalignment

●     Tooth Stains & Discoloration

●     Chipped & Cracked Teeth

●     Lengthening Short Teeth

●     Aging, Worn Teeth

●     Genetic Defects

So Many Benefits Waiting For You!

Porcelain veneers are tough, long-lasting, and easy to maintain. On top of it all, they look fantastic. People will wonder what you had done to get this happier, younger-looking version of yourself? Is it a fad diet? No, it’s your custom-designed, just-for-you smile.

●     High-Quality, Strong Materials

●     Custom Digital Or Lab-Sculpting

●     Minimal Maintenance

●     More Stain Resistant

●     So Natural-Looking

●     Lasts 10-15 Years

How Does It All Work?

The ultimate goal when preparing for, designing, and placing veneers, is the most natural look possible. Depending on the type of veneer and your existing dental concerns, it can take from just a few hours to a couple of weeks to get the smile of your dreams. We assure you, it’ll be worth the wait.

1.  If necessary, a small fraction of the surface of your tooth/teeth is removed. This will ensure secure placement around the tooth.

2.  Impressions are made. This allows the lab to properly and perfectly construct the veneer to fit your specific teeth.

3.  The dental laboratory makes the veneers.

4.  Veneers are bonded to your tooth by your Nevada Dentistry & Braces cosmetic dentist.

Porcelain Vs. Composite Veneers

But what about composite resin veneers? What’s the difference? Composite veneers are formed from composite resin a lot like the kind you may have in your tooth-colored fillings. They are either formed while you wait or directly onto your tooth by the dentist.

If you are having a hard time choosing between these smile-restoring options, there are a few things you may want to consider. While composite is often more affordable, porcelain often looks more natural and lasts longer. Composite veneers may stain and chip more easily.

What About Lumineers?

If you don’t like the idea of having some of your natural teeth removed during preparation, Lumineers might be a good option for you. They are a prep-less form of thin porcelain veneers. Lumineers can be applied directly over your existing teeth. No grinding or shaving is required.

Make Your Appointment In Las Vegas Today

If you’re looking for fast and effective results, improve your appearance and confidence through cosmetic dentistry. Porcelain veneers are the modern solution for correcting discolored teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, teeth misalignment, and many other minor teeth irregularities. Contact us at High End Dental today. We look forward to scheduling your consultation for beautiful veneers.

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