Adult Braces

Adult Braces in Las Vegas

Adult braces are becoming increasingly popular because it’s never too late to want a beautiful smile. At High End Dental in Las Vegas, we want to help you get the information you need to get straighter teeth and a more youthful appearance at any age and stage of life.

Who Should Consider Adult Braces?

As we age, our teeth naturally shift and change. You have the power to reverse the signs of an aging smile when you choose to get adult braces. If you had your teeth straightened as a teenager and haven’t maintained a good relationship with your retainer, your teeth have likely shifted. If you’ve never had braces but have always wanted straighter teeth, adult orthodontics can address many of the most common tooth alignment complaints in no time.

●     Crooked Or Crowded Teeth

●     Gaps & Spacing Issues

●     Overbites

●     Deep Bites

●     Uneven Teeth

Braces For All Ages

With modern technology, having a straighter smile is easier than ever. After a consultation, you’ll be able to determine the best material or tooth straightening options that fit your lifestyle.


  • Traditional metal braces– the most common method for straightening teeth. They are the best option for correcting more complex issues and are the most affordable option.


  • Clear braces– more discreet. Instead of metal, clear or tooth-covered ceramic brackets are applied to each tooth for durable, effective straightening that is less noticeable than metal.


  • Invisalign– clear aligners that are nearly invisible. They can be easily removed to eat or to brush and floss your teeth. You won’t have to worry about brackets or bands or figure out how to floss between wires with this option. You also get to eat what you want.


  • Stand Out Options– If you’re the type of person who loves to stand out rather than blend in, you might consider some of our unique, stylish options. We offer color bands of your choice, gold braces.

Get Adult Braces In Las Vegas

At High End Dental, we specialize in orthodontic services for all ages, including adult braces. We’re excited to meet you and get you moving along the path to healthy, straight teeth. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore your options.

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