Sleep Apnea & Snoring Devices

Sleep Apnea & Snoring Devices in Las Vegas

Why miss another night’s sleep or disturb your partner, when you have access to custom sleep apnea and snoring devices from High End Dental in Las Vegas? Chronic sleep problems lead to a variety of other health problems. Many sleep problems are breathing problems that a dentist can treat for you.

Snoring and sleep apnea are highly treatable with devices like sleep mouth guards, mouthpieces, or appliances for sleep apnea and snoring. See our dentists to see if your sleep issues can be fixed through skilled dentistry.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that happens when something interrupts a person’s breathing while they are asleep. People stop breathing periodically during the night. This can happen hundreds of times. Because of this constant breathing problem overnight the person’s brain and body are not getting enough oxygen. That lack of oxygen and regular sleep interruptions can lead to many health problems.

Are You At Risk?

Sleep apnea occurs in two forms. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the more common of the two. It generally results from soft tissue at the back of the throat blocking the individual’s airway while they sleep. Central sleep apnea is a nervous system problem, where the brain fails to control breathing muscles the way it should. There is a malfunction in the part of the brain that controls respiration.

Dental mouthguards Las Vegas may be the right solution. There are many options and many health reasons for taking sleep apnea seriously.

Many people are at some risk of developing sleep apnea in their lifetimes. The risk factors for sleep apnea include:

●     Being male

●     Being over 40

●     Being obese or overweight

●     Having a larger-than-average neck

●     Having a family history of sleep apnea

●     Having a nasal obstruction

Nasal problems are easy to treat using sleep guard Las Vegas devices to help keep the airway open at night.

Why Is It Important To Treat?

Reduced quality of life is the short answer to the question. Loud snoring also puts stress on a marriage, because loud snorers keep their partners awake. Regular, loud snoring is probably the least important side effect of sleep apnea. Many serious health problems can result from constant sleep interruptions. Furthermore, sleep apnea caused other quality of life problems. 

Snoring can be a sign of breathing problems at night, sleep apnea being one likely problem.

Side Effects

Lack of quality sleep has long-term consequences for a person’s health as well. The experts at WebMD cite a number of problems that can arise from lack of sleep:

●     Reduced Concentration

●     Trouble Learning & Remembering

●     Increased Risk Of Health Problems

●     Weight Gain

●     Depression

●     Lower Sex Drive

Chronically sleep-deprived people are at elevated risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke. Depression can prove difficult to treat and obviously can erode a person’s quality of life.

Lack of sleep can also lead to serious problems at school or at work. At worst, chronic tiredness is a safety problem. Sleep-deprived people are more likely to have accidents at work. 

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

Sleep apnea treatments are readily available, which is good news. Some treatments can be obtained at a dentist’s office.

●     Losing weight can reduce pressure on the airways and improve sleep quality.

●     Continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) devices.

●     Nasal dilators or other devices that open airways.

●     Sleep mouth guards or appliances fit by a dentist.

Snore Mouth Guards In Las Vegas

Mouth guards can help keep a patient’s airways open at night. Your dentist may be able to fit you with such a device. Mouth guards are sometimes called snore guards or sleep guards, but the function is basically the same.

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